769.63 euros was raised in under one hour


A total of 769.63 euros was raised in under one hour

On a cold and foggy Christmas morning the Lions of the Torrevieja Costa Lions Club congregated at La Zenia Beach to celebrate Christmas with JB Brass and hundreds of revelers.

As the band were preparing the sun broke through and the mist cleared to make it a perfect day on the beach.

This event has become a must for many on their social calendar when the musicians of JB Brass under the musical direction of Ian Tinsley perform Christmas tunes from the traditional carols like O'Come all ye faithful, to their version of Slades' Merry Christmas everybody. Many of the revelers bring song sheets and form little groups of choirs to add to the occasion.

As with every year the Lions were there to raise funds for their Charities during the period that the band play. Lion President Janette Bennett is delighted to announce that a total of 769.63 euros was raised in under one hour, thanks to the generosity of the crowd.

The Lions have a long association with JB Brass and look forward to continuing that relationship. Janette wishes everyone a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.


Please come and Join US


The Friends of Help At Home Costa Blanca are proud to announce that they will run the former Golden Girls Social Club held at the Emerald Isle La Florida.

The first Social meeting will take place on Wednesday January 9th from 2pm to 4pm thereafter every other Wednesday.

All former Golden Girls and new guests will be welcome to join at €10 per annum.

A raffle, guest speakers, fashion shows and live entertainment, will be offered throughout 2013, the fantastic format which made the Golden Girls the success it became by Kath Rowe who created the social group 10 years ago. Kath decided to retire and return to the UK in the New Year, we at Help At Home Costa Blanca and all her friends, supporters wish Kath a great future during her retirement, she deserves a well earned rest and enjoying fun with her family.

Our respite service is currently being developed to offer a Friend to those in need who have a long term condition, ie Alzheimers, Dementia or had a Stroke. We need more volunteers who care and have a few hours to spare to give a much appreciated break to Carers of those who suffer these conditions and of course become a 'friend in need', which is so valuable to those concerned, priceless!. Should you be interested, call 603 245 020 or email: [email protected].

We need volunteers to cover from Pilar de la Horadada, Orihuela Costa, Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta, La Mata to La Marina..

Our Charity shops are open 10.30am to 4.30pm at 409 Calle Niagara 2. Playa Flamenca Orihuela Costa and at the Emerald Isle La Florida. The Information office is at the shop in Playa Flamenca, open from 10.30am to 2.30pm. Tel No: 691 585 167.

Los Cucalos Restaurant

Specializing in Arrocez and calderos. Playground for children. Orihuela Costa

New Year Eve 2012
- Bocaditos de melón con roquefort
- Calamares a la Andaluza
- Chipirones fritos
Primer plato:
- Mariscada cocida
- Segundo plato:
- Dorada a la espalda con salsa verde y verduras
Tercer plato:
- Solomillo de cerdo al Pedro Ximenez con patatas panadera
Postre: Barquillo de veinilla y helado de Turrón.Café, sidra y cava.
Bebidas: Tinto rosado Faustino, Rosado Peñascal, Blanco de Rueda, Agua, Cerveza y refrescos.
Price: 50€ (60€ with free drink all night)

Childrens menu:
- Jamón y Queso
- Calamares a la Andaluza
- Croquetas caseras
- Quisquilla y langostino hervidos
- Pizza
- Hamburguesa
- Pechuga de pollo empanada
- Barquillo de vainilla y helado de chocolate
Entertainment park for children all night.
Price: 20€
Cotillon y uvas de la Suerte
Barra libre toda la noche (opcional)
Castillo de fuegos artificiales
Servicio de aparcacoches y guardarropa
Disco móvil
Espectaculo sorpresa durante la cena
Contact phone number: 965.976.639



The LADIES WHO LUNCH will continue to meet on the first Wednesday of the month

The LADIES WHO LUNCH - who raise funds for Paul Cunningham Nurses and various other charities, recently held their third annual Christmas lunch at Stan & Ollie's restaurant in El Raso.

66 people attended and enjoyed a first class meal. Special thanks to Dorothy Benson from Lo Marabu - who helped boost the coffers to €377.71 on the day by selling ALL the raffle tickets - she is seen in the attached photograph getting a well deserved hug from Papa Noel who made a surprise visit and presented all the ladies with a little gift.

€104 of the total amount raised was for a litre bottle of Rioja Crianza wine kindly donated by John from Giovanni's restaurant in Almoradi - this was won by Liz Price showing her obvious delight in the attached picture.

Entertainment for the afternoon was provided by Paul Christie, the Costa Blanca's version of Gene Pitney, who sang for his supper.

The LADIES WHO LUNCH will continue to meet on the first Wednesday of the month in 2013 at different restaurants each month when they will carry on raising even more money for local charities.

Limited membership is still available and should there be any ladies who wish to join our cause please contact Janine on 96 926 1359 or Maddie 96 607 8646.

Alternatively should you just wish to make a donation or pass on unwanted quality clothing or "bling" that can be sold please call one of the above numbers.

Happy Xmas

Hope everyone had a good one yesterday, we had family out and went out for a Christmas meal and a bit of entertainment. Food was good little expensive but places i know are hard pressed these days. Only downer was the singer good voice good music, but what is it with entertainers why do nearly all of them think we are blasted deaf, Blasting was what he did half way through he just kept turning it UP and UP. We and a few others left in the end. When we go out we do not want to end up having to shout at each other just to nearly make ourselves heard. I think that the bar owners are equally to blame for having so little sense and control as to what is happening. After that found another quieter busy local bar where we could hear each other speak. Such a shame as we were all looking forward to a bit of dancing.

Same kind of thing with us. I blame the bar owners totally, they should not let it happen. We left before the end as it was just to loud. We missed our mince pies because of our having to leave. Could understand it if room had been packed with teenagers, but average age must of been 50 +.THEN THESE PLACES WONDER WHY WE DON'T GO BACK.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2012-12-27 15:30:18 UTC

I agree! The bar owners and the entertainers seem to forget that paying guests are there to enjoy their meal and good conversation with BACKGROUND music. It would be different if the evening included a specific cabaret or light entertainment act for which guests would pause to listen but back ground music is exactly that music in the background!!!

Commented L.Schneiter in Pilar de la Horadada 2012-12-27 16:58:54 UTC


Just wanted to wish Everyone a Very Very Happy Christmas and Happy & Healthy New Year.
Hope you all have a Fantastic time - Time to eat, drink, be Merry and forget your worries.

Carol & Ian x



Let me wish you
a very Merry Christmas
by sending you this do it yourself
jigsaw Christmas card
( its simple )

Just CLICK The Link



Just tried that thought it had gone wrong But it was me I put it in the wrong hole.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-12-23 17:33:39 UTC

I had to read this a couple of times to try and understand what you meant Ian.

I think you need to be a little more explicit up here when speaking like that - or people could think all sorts. Just a friendly warning mate.

Commented Henry in La Marina 2012-12-23 18:15:37 UTC


I just wanted to draw everyone's Attention to the Banner ***Economy Car Hire*** - it is Advertised on All areas of the forum (The Advert is bright Red).

I have just put in a general search to hire a car in Spain for 1 week in January for a person aged 60 years old, and the prices are absolutely Exceptional. For a whole week you can hire a car from £34. What a Fantastic Offer this is, and obviously this Car Hire company will do Very Well as they are advertising on ALL Areas of A Spanish Life.

If anybody would like to have the opportunity of Promoting their Business or Entertainment etc the costs are as follows:

1 Area 4 euros per month
A Choice of any Costa ie All areas in the Costa Blanca 8 euros per month.
Ditto for Costa Del Sol 8 euros per month etc.

To have your Banner in Every Single Area (Complete) Only 25 euros per month.

Obviously there are limited Spaces for anyone wishing to have a Banner !!


Success in a Court case after English Lady falls down into a deep Hole

Oscar Ricor Morales Abogados Solicitors
The Elche High Court has overruled the wrong decision issued by the Court of first instance in Torrevieja, in relation to a case of tort negligence action.
The facts of the case are as follows: An English lady fell into a deep hole whilst trying to get access to a restaurant’s toilet in Torrevieja. The lights were off and there was no signs whatsoever alerting about works being carried out inside the toilets. The claimant suffered significant injuries as a consequence of the accident.
Spanish solicitor Oscar Ricor, of law firm Ricor Abogados, http://www.ricorabogados.com , who has been fighting the case for more than 2 years is very satisfied with the judgment: “The High Court’s decision considers that the restaurant not only should have put sufficient signs in English (considering that Torrevieja is a well-known touristic destination) warning its costumers
about the danger but it should have simply locked the door, preventing the clients to get access to a dangerous area”.
The High court declares that the restaurant acted in a clear negligent way and subsequently, there is a clear chain of causation between the restaurant’s negligence and the injury suffered by our client.
As a consequence, our client has been awarded with a monetary compensation of 5.721,68 euros plus legal interests.
Mr Ricor explains that, “In these kind of accidents, it is crucial to act in the immediate aftermath of the accident, by seeking for medical assistance at your nearest Hospital, no matter how minor the injury might appear. Likewise, please also keep your ticket as by law, you are always protected by the Spanish and European Consumer’s Act”.

Well done Oscar


Christmas Party 13th Dec. was held at the Portico Mar Restaurant Campo De Guardamar. A great night was had by everyone with the usual good food and service. Thank you to the staff for their attention to detail helping to make it once again a success. A special thank you must go to Anne Jackson for arranging the party, and ensuring everything went without a hitch.

Forthcoming events
Saturday 5th January (Three Kings Day) La Siesta will again host the Iris Kadwell Trophy, This is an informal fun day, open to everyone and regulation clothing is not necessary although flat soled shoes are. (Fancy dress optional) Anyone wanting a fun day come along at 9.30 for 10.00am on the day and you will be made most welcome.

Wednesday 23rd January from 7.30 onwards, we will be holding a social evening at Carmen’s Bar and Restaurant El Chaparral, La Siesta. This is open to Members and their Guests, and tickets can be obtained from Lyn or Jim at €8 each. A basket supper and dessert is included as is entertainment by the cast of Stage Struck.

Saturday Fun Hamper15th Dec.
Winners, Doreen and Barrie Bell skipped by Roy Millward.

Chicken and Egg 19th Dec.
Chicken...Rod Land, Wine...Brian Thomason, Eggs....Dave Wake.

Sonny Cavanagh
I would like to personally, and on behalf of the members of La Siesta Bowls Club, convey sincere condolences to the Family of Sonny Cavanagh from San Luis Bowls Club, who sadly passed away on Saturday 15th December.

Always a pleasure to play against, Sonny was a formidable opponent but played the game with a fair and fun spirit, and will forever be remembered by all in the bowling community for his joyous personality. Anyone who played with him, or against him, must be saddened by his passing. Costa Blanca Bowling is poorer. We have lost a true Gentleman.

If you wish to take up a new sport, and want make new friends, with a little gentle exercise, you will be made very welcome. Bowls and shoes can be hired and tuition arranged. New members are always welcome. Ring Jim or Lyn on 690190523 and they will help, or call in at La Siesta Bowls Club at Calle Rossini La Siesta Urbanisation

By Norman Adcroft

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