Easy Flatpax Press Release

IKEA has lowered the prices on 385 of its most popular items by 20% and there are discounts of up to 60% around the store.
IKEA say they want their customers to have a ‘better everyday life’ and so have found ways to cut costs and pass these benefits on, rather taking the savings to profit.
Easy Flatpax mirror this – if IKEA are offering lower prices or special offers WE WILL PASS THESE SAVINGS ON TO YOU and not taking them to profit although other companies we know do!
Better prices, better living, transparent dealings – our promise to you!

Easy Flatpax - we bring IKEA to you! Call us on 96 647 0770 or 647 790 340 or email [email protected]
You can see our website at www.easyflatpax.com!