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Looking back at 2012

THE TORREVIEJA RETIRED ACTIVITIES CLUB [TRAC] started 2012 with a tremendous influx of visitors for the January meeting. This was because a visit to the Salt Museum had been arranged for the Club's first meeting of the year and it proved to be so successful that many of the visitors subsequently joined the Club, swelling numbers to around 80 members.

The February meeting was a very quiet affair as we had no speaker and held a 'Silent Auction' and pocketed a fair amount for the Club funds. The organisation Help at Home spoke for our March meeting and gave an account of all the work they do for the community.

April's meeting opened with a talk by Bob Hill of U3A which went down a treat and gave members an insight to their organisation and the various courses, etc that they hold. Pam Waller, a TRAC member, gave the talk for May accompanied by a slide show which was based around her experiences, as Captain's wife, on her husband's last voyage before retirement.

The speaker for June was Ian Phillips who gave an extremely informative talk on computer passwords and showed how easy it was for someone to decipher the more simple passwords. He illustrated how to make passwords as difficult as possible but ensuring that they were relatively easy to remember. There being no meetings in July and August, the Club met again in September when John McGregor gave an hilarious account of his life and times in the RAF.

Angela Keay was the speaker for October and she works for ACASA, a branch of Age Concern and told members of their involvement in helping people during difficult times. In November Matilde Sanchez talked to us about her life after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War and how her family were separated from their father and the reunion 11 years later, long after the war ended. Our speaker for December had to cancel so the Committee provided an excellent array of Christmas food and Pam Donnison made a superb Christmas cake.

During the year, TRAC meet on the third Wednesday of the month and also organise a lunch, which is kept below 13 euros, on the first Sunday of the month. The Club was involved in the recent Associations Day and appeared on the steps outside the church in Torrevieja for Carols in the Square. There are also activities during the year which include walks, petanca and a picnic on the beach, mini golf, rifle shooting and archery, and 10 pin bowling etc.

The Club organised a car treasure hunt in April and had a visit to the S61 Delphin submarine and the Customs Launch in October moored in Torrevieja harbour. Some of the members enjoyed a trip to Cuenca in May and the end of term meal in June was made more enjoyable with a visit by a mobile casino team.

If you would be interested in joining the Torrevieja Retired Activities Club then please call Neil or Mo on 965 008 087 for more information.